Optimal Wellness
The Black Canni at The 8th Annual Vegan SoulFest!
The Living Well will be present at this year’s Vegan Soulfest! Stop by our table and learn more about the upcoming Black Canni Conference, register and receive information on using Cannabis for healing, growing your own plants, and making edibles. We’ll also have resources on how to expunge Cannabis-related offenses.
Baltimore Peninsula, 101 West Dickman Street, Baltimore, MD
August 19 12-8 PM
August 20th - 12-7 PM
BREAKING FREE: Men of Color Healing Circles
Breaking Free: A Healing Group for Black Men was created to address the absence of safe spaces that exist for men of color.
The model is designed around indigenous rituals and focuses upon clinically guided discussions centering on the participant’s experiences, thoughts, feelings, and stressors. This session will include Qigong, a centuries-old system of coordinated body postures and movements, diaphragmatic breathing, and guided meditation which has been shown to reduce stress, create calmness, and cultivate a present mindset.
Bring a rhythm instrument (optional)
Wear something comfortable
Location: Baltimore Unity Hall, 1505 Eutaw Place, Baltimore, MD 21217
Date: August 12th
Time: 11 am - 3 pm
Kemetic Yoga
The Living Well presents Bringing B(l)ack Yoga
Date: June 10, 2023
Time: 10-3 pm
Cost: $35.00
Location: Baltimore Unity Hall
1505 Eutaw Place
Baltimore, MD 21217
The practice of Kemetic Yoga draws heavily from the spiritual and mythological traditions of ancient Egypt, including the concept of Ma'at, which represents balance, harmony, and order in the universe. Practitioners of Kemetic Yoga also incorporate principles of the Neteru, the deities, and spiritual forces that were worshipped in ancient Egypt, as well as principles of Kemetic philosophy, which emphasize the interconnectedness of all things.
Kemetic Yoga is a slow-paced strain-free practice accessible to lots of different body types. Its sequences are a series of geometrically progressive postures that align the spine, increase blood flow, and activate the parasympathetic nervous system to promote healing.
What sets Kemetic Yoga apart is its emphasis on nasal breathing and the Four Part Breathing method, which involves inhaling, holding, exhaling, and holding again while connecting the tongue to the roof of the mouth. Through this practice, practitioners can increase their internal life force energy and cerebral spinal fluid, as well as relieve stress and correct defects in the skeletal muscular system.
Overall, Kemetic Yoga offers a powerful and transformative practice that is deeply rooted in ancient spiritual traditions.
This session is designed for all levels of yoga practitioners and instructors.
BREAKING FREE: Men of Color Healing Circles
Are you a Black or Brown male over 18 years of age who has experienced overt racism, subtle discrimination or feelings of being unsafe or undervalued at work, school or environmental settings that lack diversity?
Are you interested in learning new skills to apply to daily life, such as stress reduction techniques, healthy coping mechanisms and strategies for building supportive relationships and networks?
Location: Anne Arundel Conflict Resolution Center at 2666 Riva Road, Annapolis, Md 21401, suite 130.
May 13, 2023: 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
June 10, 2023: 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Kemetic Yoga
The Living Well presents the Practice Model of Kemetic Yoga
Date May 27, 2023
Time: 10-3 pm
Cost: $35.00
Location: Baltimore Unity Hall
1505 Eutaw Place
Baltimore, MD 21217
The practice of Kemetic Yoga draws heavily from the spiritual and mythological traditions of ancient Egypt, including the concept of Ma'at, which represents balance, harmony, and order in the universe. Practitioners of Kemetic Yoga also incorporate principles of the Neteru, the deities, and spiritual forces that were worshipped in ancient Egypt, as well as principles of Kemetic philosophy, which emphasize the interconnectedness of all things.
Kemetic Yoga is a slow-paced strain-free practice accessible to lots of different body types. Its sequences are a series of geometrically progressive postures that align the spine, increase blood flow, and activate the parasympathetic nervous system to promote healing.
What sets Kemetic Yoga apart is its emphasis on nasal breathing and the Four Part Breathing method, which involves inhaling, holding, exhaling, and holding again while connecting the tongue to the roof of the mouth. Through this practice, practitioners can increase their internal life force energy and cerebral spinal fluid, as well as relieve stress and correct defects in the skeletal muscular system.
Overall, Kemetic Yoga offers a powerful and transformative practice that is deeply rooted in ancient spiritual traditions.
This session is designed for all levels of yoga practitioners and instructors.